You were born with a magic wand in your hand. Let’s put it back there.

The School of Magic is my gathering and teaching space. The CIRCLES are a monthly rhythm of Zoom calls, combining direct personal spiritual coaching and illuminations on the workshops I offer in the workshops at Becoming Real.

The CIRCLES offer additional teaching - a way to circle up with fellow soul travelers and share experience as the work moves into your heart and illuminates your life.

In our monthly calls, we’ll deepen and expand the School of Magic Curriculum as you explore the personal spiritual medicine you are ready to deliver. 

Included in your membership:

  • A steady rhythm of gatherings - first Sunday of every month - this is where you’ll meet one another and illuminate the work

  • Audio Illuminations of the workshops - where I’ll go off script and share my own stories as new insights percolate.

  • Additional live calls - when I feel inspired to add to the teaching, I will come here to offer it and you’ll be invited.

At the School of Magic (in my workshops and here in our CIRCLES) we’re working with deep soul medicine, your medicine.

Come here to practice being how you really are. How you would be, how you could be if you were not afraid. 

Come here to be invited and given permission and encouraged to be yourself and speak from your own wisdom.

Come here to be recognized in your Inner Radiance. You are already wise, already emerging, already on a path, already following that call of the soul.

My whole focus is on your emergence. Often, what emerges is softer, gentler and quieter than you expected it to be. And beneath that softening, a warm stream of power - and courage.

I’ll teach you the power of the imaginal journey, the simplest - and most powerful - work you will ever do. I'll teach you to change the picture that you hold of what the world is and how you feel and live in that world. As that picture changes, you will change - and so will the world.

Your true potential lies in becoming what you already are: Love, loving. Light, shining. Life, bubbling up and flowing through space. You are a force of creativity, a wave of joy, moving across the spaciousness of being alive.

Join me as we do the work of uncovering the light that you already carry. Your own power. Join me in miracles and magic of the School of Magic CIRCLES

“This is a healing and wholing space. Here, frozen feeling melts, stuck energy dissolves. Spaciousness opens and creativity returns. This happens easily, steadily. It happens because you are already magical - already a miracle.” ~Amy Oscar

Follow your own magic and come to what calls to you.

Subscribe to School of Magic CIRCLES

This is the Sanctuary, the gathering space where we circle up for a monthly Zoom call to illuminate the teachings of my Workshops (at Becoming Real) with guided meditation and discussion. First Sunday of every month at noon.


Intuitive Empath and Spirit Guide.Workshops on intuition, embodiment, soul prayer and the kind of magic that reclaims the world for love. Former magazine editor. Mom of two grown beauties. Neglectful gardener. Also, I talk with angels.